

Ukraine, Bucha city

Total area

5900 sq.m.





3D Visualizations

When designing a modern school, the martins team followed contemporary trends, focusing on creating spaces that promote effective learning, ensure student safety and comfort, and consider environmental aspects. The main principles we utilized include:Flexible and adaptive spaces: Utilizing multifunctional rooms that can easily change their purpose. Mobile furniture allows for quick adaptation of the space for various needs: group work, individual learning, or events. Natural lighting and ventilation: Large windows and light wells to maximize the use of natural light. Natural ventilation systems to ensure a healthy indoor environment. Sustainability and eco-friendliness: Using environmentally friendly and sustainable materials. Safety and inclusivity: Design that takes into account the needs of all students, including children with disabilities.
Ensuring safety through convenient exit placement, video surveillance, and access control systems. Safety and inclusivity: Design that takes into account the needs of all students, including children with disabilities. Ensuring safety through convenient exit placement, video surveillance, and access control systems. Safety and inclusivity: Design that takes into account the needs of all students, including children with disabilities. Ensuring safety through convenient exit placement, video surveillance, and access control systems. Technological integration: Utilizing modern technologies such as interactive whiteboards, tablets, and computer labs. Building management systems that optimize resource use and enhance comfort.
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Relaxation and socialization areas: Creating zones for informal communication and relaxation, such as student lounges, play areas, and cafes. Spaces for physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, including sports halls and open playgrounds.
Community Focus: The design of this school is conceived as a community hub, where cultural, sports, and educational events for local residents can take place. Open spaces promote interaction between the school and the community. Biophilic Design: Integration of natural elements, such as indoor greenery, that enhance the health and well-being of students.

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