

Ukraine, village Polyanytsia. Bukovel ski resort

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Photo by Alexander Kondriyanenko

The location of the hotel, its format and style are aimed at those who comes to Bukovel to ski, to talk to the friends and acquire the new ones, and to enjoy delicious meals in the hotel’s restaurant. It is the riders who will appreciate all the benefits of this place. Hotel guests can choose a room, both in the luxury segment and in the economy, comfortably located in the hostel.
Concept: The image of the interior is formed on the basis of a fictional story about the ancient contact of Hutsuls with aliens who chose one of the mountains of Bukovel for the construction of their base. The newcomers taught the Hutsuls to build and play the trimbit, the Hutsuls taught the newcomers to cook banosh.
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The conversation was close, but not long. For unknown reasons, the project of the base in Bukovel was not completed, and the aliens left the Earth as a matter of urgency. But the time that the Hutsuls spent with the aliens had such an impact on their lives and culture that you can still hear the long sound of the trembita on the sunset , as the Hutsuls call their extraterrestrial friends.
So in an interior, the image of the alien, Hutsul motives and an element of inaccuracy was fragmentarily loft style

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