White chocolate




Uktaine, Kyiv region

Загальна площа

384 sq.m






Photo by: Alexandr Kondryanenko

The room is located on the ground floor of one of the houses in the residential complex “White Chocolate”. Initially, it was a cold, dark and damp basement, which required a complete transformation and redesign. The task was complicated by the fact that the basement is penetrated by columns, pylons and risers, which had to be taken into account when designing the layout of the premises.
Moreover, architects had to worry about technical nodes, communications and the complete absence of heating. To accomplish this difficult task turned out with the help of a successful combination of various design techniques. The entire office space is divided into open and closed parts. The first includes a sales department hall, a meeting room and a reception room, and the second includes executive offices and the construction department. Designers decided not to put the sales area in separate rooms and created special cells for them, upholstered with carpets of various colors. The coating makes the zones soundproof, and bright colors enliven the space and fill it with light and comfort.
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