BAZA hotel project in Bukovel
January 3, 2021
Товарів не знайдено.

The interior of the hotel was shaped based on an imaginary story about contact with beings from other planets, who chose one mountain for their base. Igor Martin and Olga Novikova from the Martin’s bureau implemented the BAZA hotel project in Bukovel.

The hotel's location, format, and style are designed for those who come to the Carpathians to ski, socialize with friends, and enjoy delicious food at the hotel's restaurant. The project authors emphasize that "riders will appreciate all the advantages of this place," as the hotel is located near the first ski lift.

The hotel's location, its format, and style are intended for those who come to the Carpathians to ski, socialize with friends, and enjoy delicious food at the hotel's restaurant.

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