PRIMA Interior

Haven - Nature and Elegance of a Country House in Lebedivka
January 1, 2024
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In the modern world, a country house has long ceased to be just a retreat; it has become an expression of the owners' personality, an architectural masterpiece, and a functional space reflecting their style and taste. The "Haven" project, located in the serene cottage town of Lebedivka in Kyiv region, is a vivid example of how to seamlessly blend nature, elegance, and comfort in an incredible country house.

The clients, Katerina Vozyanova, the owner of "Indposhiv," and her husband Andriy, approached the architectural studio for the third time, with this commission aimed at creating both the architecture and interior design of the house.

The initial idea envisioned a spacious home harmoniously integrating with its natural surroundings.

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