Contemporary Design of Educational Institutions
November 1, 2023
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Design should align with the primary function of an educational institution – learning. Architects and designers should integrate architectural features such as lighting, cutting-edge technologies, energy efficiency, and eco-friendliness in their projects to create a functional and harmonious space for education.

Architectural design always depends on the location, as our main goal is to seamlessly integrate the building into the surrounding environment and enhance the lives of those interacting with this space.

Secondly, it is crucial not to forget that children in educational institutions undergo physical and psychological development, learn, explore the world, and need space for their own imagination, not just the imagination of architects and designers.

Therefore, we must provide children with the opportunity to shape their own imagination and creativity. Our main challenge is to ensure that the created space does not hinder them. Overloading with colors and details that distract children from learning should be avoided.

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